By 1999, every reactionary asshole’s wet dream has come true all across America youth gangs with bandannas and guns have established free fire zones, where the police fear to tread and schools have begun shutting down. Don’t piss about, people!Ĭlass of 1999 certainly doesn’t piss about.

Televise it, monetise it, get some revenue streams going. Shit, just cut straight to arming the kids as well and whoever walks out at home time wins. You know, the kind of Twinkie® head who thinks the solution to school shootings is arming teachers. This time Lester seems to be mocking the ridiculous reactionary horseshit which turns troubled youth into a patsy for political and financial gain, and all the ridiculous reactionary bullshit solutions proposed which never actually address the root causes (because that would require thought, money and time) and hence do nothing to ameliorate the problem, but always end up making someone rich (usually, spookily enough, the someone sponsoring the reactionary assholes involved).

Movies like Class of 1984 probably helped feed the fires of hysteria and Class of 1999 seems like a kind of belated atonement for this. So we were constantly being told that the kids weren’t alright. Teens! Little shits! Always a problem, but particularly so in the ‘80s when feral gangs ran wild and committed heinous crimes, in fact just like they had since the teenager was invented (the 1920s) but sometimes it’s politically expedient for reactionary assholes to pretend it’s a new problem, and the ‘80s was particularly rich in reactionary assholes. “The year is 1999 and school’s out – FOREVER!” the tag line doesn’t run (but totally should, in howling electric lime green if possible). That cinematic bad boy sure sounds a lot harder and nastier than Class of 1999, which is the kind of goofy pulp schlock that video store chains were built on. I’m waiting for the Blu-Ray now so I still haven’t seen it, basically but I will, I will. Unfortunately by then I was busy self-destructing and by the time I surfaced as a functional human being DVD was passé, alas. Back in 1982 in the UK Class of 1984 upset a lot of people who decided what we could watch, and so it was not passed as uncut until 2005. Lester has strong emotions about his schooldays. Judging by the content of them I think we can infer Mark L. The intellectuals out there will have noticed both movies are also set in schools. Lester since this is his second such movie, the first being Class of 1984 (1982). It must certainly have tickled director Mark L. Class of 1999 is one of those movies which were once set in the future but are now set in the past, which is always funny.